The Totalfit Level 1 is a progressive series of 20 modules broken down into easy-to-digest lessons. Each lesson will provide depth of understanding in each content area, offer assessments to check your understanding, as well as provide practical experiential learning activities.

Primary goals: 

  • prepare and certify a coach to start a Totalfit group and/or open a brick and mortar gym for regular training.
  • equip existing coaches with a measurable fitness framework for body, mind, and spirit into their current model.

The Totalfit Level 1 is accredited by NASM and AFAA and provides:

  • 1.9 NASM CEUs
  • 15 AFAA CEUs

Totalfit Level 1 - Español

Descubre y domina la metodología única de coaching de Totalfit. Con un marco de entrenamiento físico medible para el cuerpo, la mente y el espíritu en este curso autodidacta.


Totalfit Level 1 - Український

Повністю розпакуйте та опануйте унікальну методологію Totalfit. З вимірюваною структурою фітнесу для тренування тіла, розуму та духу в цьому курсі для самостійного проходження.


Totalfit Level 1 - 普通话

发现并掌握 Totalfit 独特的训练方法。在这个自定进度的课程中,您可以获得针对身体、思想和精神的可衡量的体能训练框架。


Totalfit Level 1 - हिंदी

टोटलफिट की अनूठी कोचिंग पद्धति की खोज करें और उसमें महारत हासिल करें। इस स्व-गतिशील पाठ्यक्रम में शरीर, मन और आत्मा के लिए एक मापनीय शारीरिक प्रशिक्षण रूपरेखा के साथ।


Totalfit Level 1 - Français

Découvrez et maîtrisez la méthodologie de coaching unique de Totalfit. Avec un cadre d'entraînement physique mesurable pour le corps, l'esprit et l'esprit dans ce cours à votre rythme.


Introduction to Optimal Health

What is the difference between
Totalfit and thousands of other fitness options? Totalfit methodology takes people on a journey to optimal health by training the body, mind, nd spirit simultaneously.



Introduction to Totalfit

What is Totalfit? 

Totalfit Inc. is a fitness, health, and wellness company that strives to help individuals, companies as well as organizations pursue optimal holistic health.



Totalfit Foundational

For anyone who is interested in exploring the opportunity to be a coach in optimal health.

Primary goal: introduce Totalfit foundational concepts and teach how to properly facilitate a Totalfit workout.


Totalfit Introduction to Logotherapy

Logotherapy is the only psychology school that takes personal well-being beyond the body and mind.

Primary goal: make a fitness coach more effective in getting athletes or groups to reach optimal health.


Totalfit Optimal Nutrition Coaching

Are you ready to learn and practice holistic nutrition coaching, increase client commitment to your coaching, and meet a higher standard of nutrition coaching expertise? Then, start today!

